social influencer — BLOG — Challenge Sophie

social influencer

The 3 C's: Cause, Champion, Change

The 3 C's: Cause, Champion, Change

We live in a world where social media activity is at an all time high. Every person can build their own platform and market their beliefs, activities and products. In this fast paced, content driven world, I believe that what we stand for and why, is going to become more and more important to help people sift through the noise.

In January it will be four years since I quit my job and set out to forge a new path. I started with a blank piece of paper and four colouring pens. I had no idea what I wanted to do, or how my dreams were going to manifest themselves. But if you asked me what it was that I believed in, what I wanted to focus on, build something around, and to champion in this world. I knew.