I’m the proud Founder of TrailBlazers - an initiative to build confidence and courage in teenage girls. To help them develop the tools and supportive community to navigate the world and rise from the mental health epidemic we are in.
Born from my own experience of figuring out how to be true to myself, whilst also fitting in and being accepted by my peers. Combined with everything I’ve learnt about how to be confident and brave through challenging myself. I was bullied in primary and secondary school and have had my fair share of curve balls in life! TrailBlazers’ mission is to help girls thrive by building confidence, courage, resilience and life skills. Changing hearts, minds and lives!
Through talks, workshops, adventure camps, sailing expeditions and more - TrailBlazers is an incredible community supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of teenage girls. We help girls who may be struggling with low confidence, anxiety, loss of direction or identity, struggling with home life or being bullied. We are an inclusive community and welcome anyone who wants to join us, regardless of what you have going on in your life. We aim to quiet the noise and pressure from the world, to cultivate a safe and supported environment to explore who we are, to challenge ourselves, build confidence and blaze our own trails!
Read our blogs: Just because my path is different, does not mean I am lost and Go Sailing, Empowering Girls Expedition.
“You were so welcoming and friendly and you helped me to realise that it is ok to lack confidence and that anything in possible. The one activity which has stuck with me is when we had to write a letter to our future self, as it helped me to realise that I need to live life to fullest and it made me realise that things go wrong and things that I thought at the time I would never get through, I managed to get through, showing me that I am stronger than I think and its ok to fail because that is how you learn”
““Being surrounded by people with nothing but love in their hearts has been the most spectacular experience of my life. My eyes have been opened and I finally realise I have a purpose”
“There are no words to describe last week because it was just so incredible”
“It was literally the best week of my life”
“Because of everything I’ve learnt I know I’m strong enough to keep going when bad things happen”
“This trip has taught me that taking gradual baby steps can lead to progress and changes; that you can’t expect yourself to be perfect but should be proud of the baby steps you take every day”
“Megan said this is the best thing she has ever done, and that is thanks to you and all the hard work you do to make a difference.
You have inspired Megan to follow her heart and move forward with her dreams. As her parents we will always support her, but your own determination has pushed her to see that anything is possible”
“Thanks again for an absolutely amazing experience last weekend. It’s hard to put into words the affect that this had on the girls - it was definitely a special experience for them and they will never forget it.”
“I still can’t believe that I am part of TrailBlazers! You’re honestly an inspiration and you’ve helped me find my confidence to try new things, to block out the haters and focus on doing what I love. The amazing challenges you set us are really making me think about the way I live my life and I’m going to change it for the better. Because of TrailBlazers I have told people things that I never thought I’d be able to speak out about, and we’ve all laughed and cried and that’s what makes it all so special! We feel safe around each other and that’s all thanks to your incredible work Sophie!”

“I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me today, I really appreciate it, plus its nice to know someone that has so much faith in me and not just that but like we have been friend forever. Just from today you have inspired me so much and made me feel like I can conquer the world and be myself. I know its going to be hard at the beginning but I know if I follow a new path in my life I am sure it will all be okay in the end and with your help.”