
The Quest for Connection

The Quest for Connection

True connection, acceptance, and peace in exactly where we are is such a rarity, that when it happens I want to hold my breath and stay in the moment forever.

I close my eyes, drift away and survey the scene. I take in everything with a deep breath; what it feels like, where I am, who I’m with, or the feeling of being on my own. I remember the colour of the sky and the way the sun feels on my skin. I remember how open or closed I feel. I recall my journey to this moment, replaying all the million things that fell into place to get me here.

I imprint what I see and feel into my mind and my heart, almost with this idea that if I press hard enough, I can keep part of this moment with me forever. I lock these memories away like the most precious of gems, because that’s their worth to me.

A New Fitness Challenge

A New Fitness Challenge

It’s Friday night, verging on 3am and I’m dancing the night away in Soho. I really should go home because I have gym at 9am. The friends I’m with don’t believe I will stick to my commitment, but my mind is resolute. Saturday wouldn’t be the same without it. Neither would every day I seem to find myself there.

This is new for me. Very new for me. I am normally an outdoor fitness kind of girl. Previously I’ve found gyms boring and lacking in personality and community. I preferred training outside year round because I like training with whatever the weather throws and simply, being outside. Going for a run or cycle costs me nothing whereas gyms can be expensive. Since I started my fitness journey in 2008 I have spent very little time in gyms. But there is one gym that has completely changed my mind about all of this, Evolve353.

10 Things Women Do Every Day That Are Fearless

10 Things Women Do Every Day That Are Fearless

I recently read an article on BuzzFeed entitled "12 Things Women Do Everyday That Are Fearless." I'll come back to why I wanted to talk about this article, but first let's talk about Bodyform, who shared the article on social media.