All good things come to an end. And for me, that means my Big Blog Exchange adventure is finally over. INSERT BIGGEST SADFACE HERE. Ok, I'm not really sad. In fact, I'm happy and thankful for this once in a lifetime experience that has taught me a lot of things about myself and about the world. I believe that this is just the beginning of a new adventure; a new chapter in my life.But that's not what I'm going to talk about, at least, not for now. I shall talk about how I spent the last two days of my BBE adventure in London. So on Sunday morning, I went back to London to enjoy the last few days of the Big Blog Exchange contest. I didn't want to waste any time so right after dropping my bags at YHA Oxford Street, I explored London by foot and, later, by bus. What I love about London is that almost everything is reachable by foot. From Oxford Street, I was able to go to Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square, Convent Garden and Trafalgar Square. If I walked any further, I'll be able to reach Westminster, Buckingham Palace... but LOL, my legs were starting to give up on me. So, I rode the Original London Sightseeing Tour Bus from Trafalgar Square and listened to the funny, quirky guide until we've reached Tower of London.

The Tower Bridge, captured from the Tower of London
Even if I'm a tourist, I just have to say it: The number of tourists in London is stressing me out. I guess it's a wonderful thing to know that there are a lot of tourists visiting London but they're just everywhere, then add a bunch of kids who are on a field trip to the equation. TOTAL MAYHEM. It's absolutely crazy here compared to the countryside, but I still love this city.
Anyway, using the London Pass that the YHA gave me, I went to the Tower of London to see the Crown Jewels. Sadly, I'm not allowed to take photos inside but the jewels were all magnificent. I think the one that made me go "wow" was the Star of Africa, the largest gem-quality diamond ever found, that is attached to the Queen's Royal Sceptre.

Yummy waffles from Piccadilly Whip

So that was the highlight of my first tour in London. To be honest, the crowd and the bipolar weather drained my energy a lot. I decided to just go home right after (with a lot of detours though).

My view at the hostel, with London Eye from afar. :)